
Here are the dragons in the Dragon Acadmey, and then some
I will add to the list over time


This is Star, one of Kaeldras many dragons. She is yet a baby.
Star was given to Kaeldra in a time of war so she could be safe. She's very spunky and often flies into Kaeldra, making her stumble forward and run into people. She often gets into trouble and makes a fuss of a lot of things.
An Ice Dragon.


This is Firewing, Kaeldra's first dragon. He's a true warrior. When faced with danger he turns into a raging warrior and fights to the death. His fire powers are dangerously strong and sometimes are out of control. Nonetheless, he will protect Kaeldra until he draws his last breath.
A Fire Dragon


Kalatere, like her Keeper, Deltoria, is quiet and reclusive. She spends more time flying than anything else and often feels depressed due to her rugged past.
Her powers are unknown. Strange things happen around her, but other than that her powers are very obscure. All that is known about them is that they're even more unstable uncontrolable than Firewings.
She's a true rebel and takes suggestions only, and only from Deltoria.
She hates almost everything that isn't dragon. She has an amazingly strong bond with Deltoria and tolerates Kaeldra.
A Storm Dragon.


Destria is not to be messed with, she used to belong to a Dark Dragon Keeper, and is wild and dangerous. She will not be silenced and has powers that no one can understand. Powers of water, earth, air and fire. She may also call on vines if she feels like it, which isn't often. She has the unnerving ability to look into ones eyes and inflict anything from a feeling to a disease.
Destria tolerates nothing and has a heart of blades and flame.
She's neither gentle nor kind to anyone but Calandra.
She trusts hardly anyone, is suspiscious of even Kaeldra.
When angry, she turns into a dragon of pure flame.
And, on top of all that, Destria has no mercy.
A Storm Dragon.


Calmest of all the dragons at the Academy. Able to see what is happening in the present.
Karma is very trustful and even found a way to befriend reclusive Deltoria. Will protect just about anything that's smaller than her.
Able to control fire, lightning and is able to direct the heat of the sun.
Karma is soft hearted and very open, a "person dragon."
A Sun Dragon.


His egg was found in an old abandoned tunnel by Calandra. He hatched out of the same egg as his brother, Quin.
Not exactly friendly, past unknown, but Calandra thinks that the castle was destroyed by Jeneside, and all in it killed other than Harvest moon and Quin.
An Earth Dragon.


His egg was found by Calandra in an abandoned tunnel. He hatched out of the same egg as his brother, Harvestmoon.
Fierce, not the least bit shy, strong. Doesn't command any known element, powers unknown, strengths unknown, weaknesses unknown. Keeps to himself. A fighter, attacks from the air. Protective, has yet to find peace.
A Shadow Dragon.


Only ever speaks to Zentila, told his history to Zentila alone and made her promise not to tell anyone else. Able to read your mind and use your memories against you.
A Sun Dragon.


Not the cheeriest soul. Reclusive. Not very kind. Was abandoned by an unknown dragon mother. Found by Kaeldra and raised by her loving hand. His past haunts him and makes him unpredictable and dangerous. Trusts only Kaeldra and Firewing.
A Shadow Dragon.


Was caught while trying to attack the Academy. Had been captured by the Dark Dragon Keepers and made a narrow escape. After that she had been turning to attacking whatever for survival. Was calmed by Kaeldra.
An unknown kind of dragon.


Was found by Kaeldra at a nearby sea as an egg. Friendly, open, protective, Falanear's sister. Powerful, VERY powerful. Shows no weakness nor feeling. In the picture she is shown with Kaeldra at the sea helping her with a ceremony that can only done with Star Dragon of her color.
A Star Dragon, as you have just read.


Found by Kaeldra with her sister, Caenla. Has the gift of active camoflouge. Friendly, yet not as friendly as her sister, powerful, shy, self-protected. More nimble than any other dragon. An expert warrior.
A Star Dragon


Dragon of Ketheldra the Ancient.
Very dangerous, may only be approached by Ketheldra. Breaths blood-red flame.
A Fire Dragon


Dragon of the Ancient Noxolo. HUGE!!!!!! Powerful, used to be a rogue. Burned down numerous villages before Noxolo tamed him.
A Fire Dragon.


Has no keeper, strictly speaking. Though she chose to be the Guardian of Sionn the Ancient. Konane's parents were killed by dark elves. She is also known by the name Moon of Silence. She has silvery white scales and opalescent eyes. Though she looks darker at night.
A Moon Dragon.


Emirna (pronounced Em-ear-na) has only recently hatched.  She's small and sweet now, but she'll grow to be one of the largest dragons kinds of dragons in the world... the Starflame Dragon, being half Fire Dragon and half Star Dragon.