Kinds of Dragons

Fire Dragons

Of all the dragons there ever were, these are the fiercest. They are one of the few kinds that will choose to fight. For them, the hotter the temperature, the better. Cold weather makes them weak and sluggish. They're the rebels of the bunch, the fire dragon queen is mostly there to settle disputes and lead armies, hardly to rule. Fire dragons are the most dangerous of them all, being vengeful and short tempered. Fire dragons are among the only two dragons who will hunt the very large prey, like gryphons. They are often black, red, orange or gold.

Water Dragons

Water dragons are swimmers, and don't leave the sea. Seriously, these dragons hardly ever choose anyone other than one of the mysterious merfolk as a keeper. And also, they are probably the most misunderstood, called beasts and killers by most. When attacked, they will defend themselves with water and hurricanes. They are commonly blue, green and turquoise.

Earth Dragons

Tricksters! All of them! But also the calmest of the dragons. They fight only to defend. They fight with plants and earth. They are also the most likely to choose keepers. If they can bring themself to approach a being other than another dragon. Earth dragons are very shy, and only the calmest of people with the purest of hearts can approach them without any fear of scaring them. They keep out of the way of fire dragons and storm dragons. Earth Dragons are commonly green or brown.

Storm Dragons

Storm dragons are the fiercest dragons next to fire dragons. They use lightning as a weapon and thunder as a stunner. They, like fire dragons, will hunt the very large prey.  Little is known about this dragon and  I have little more to say. Storm dragons are often blue, yellow, black, red and grey.

Star Dragons

Star dragons are almost as calm as earth dragons. And these dragons have hardly anything known about them. And they are also the shyest.  Star dragons hardly ever even approach one of their own kind. Only one person has ever become the keeper of one of the mysterious star dragons, and that is Amelia Moondancer Starbringer the Ancient. They come in white, silver, gold and black with silver speckles. No one knows what they use for defense. But it is well known that no one who attacks a star dragon survives. Perhaps they aren't as timid as they seem, but just secretive?

Shadow Dragons

Shadow Dragons are almost unbelievable rare. Thought to bring bad luck by some and thought to be evil by others. Even less is known about them than the Star Dragons. Most often Black or purple.

Ice Dragons

Ice Dragons use the powers of ice, snow and blizzards. More common in the colder regions of the world. Commonly light blue, pure white and silver.

Sun Dragons

Sun Dragons fly more than anything else. They are able to direct the heat of the sun and control fire. They're reclusive and keep to them selves. They're often yellow, orange,  red, gold, copper, burgundy, bronze and brass.

Windblade Dragons

Even more rare and secretive than the Star Dragons, Windblade Dragons have hardly anything known about them. They are mostly silver, white, pale blue and, on very rare occasions, they have absolutely clear scales that reveal their black skin.

Dark Dragons

Dark Dragons are the kind that only Dark Dragon Keepers have. They are only created by the outlawed potion that only the Dark Dragon Keepers still use. They attack and kill anything. They will only do something if they really want to. And they will kill you if you try to make friends with it.

SkyFire Dragons

These dragons never land. NEVER. Their parents lay their eggs on clouds enchanted to support their weight, and that is the only time they're not flying. They catch their meals by swooping down. When they need rest they go into a mystical sleep state that allows them to stay airborne. They're always in the sky. Only one SkyFire Dragon has ever landed, and that is Marialla, (which, by the way, translates to WindWeaver), who took the shape of an elf. They are commonly black, silver, blue and green.

Deep Region Fire Dragon

Call them bad-tempered, call them powerful, whatever, most likely you'll be right. Deep Region Fire Dragons, also known as Lava Dragons, are... different. For one, they spew streams of hot molten rock. Yeah, hot molten rock! You do NOT want to get a Deep Region Fire Dragon angry! And they will kill anyone. Yeah, they're starting to sound like Dark Dragons, aren't they?  They're commonly black with red vein-like patterns, rarely a bright, glowing red.

Moon Dragons

The Moon Dragons are large and shy. They're very strong, but they're also very secretive and reclusive. They keep to themselves, like the Star Dragons. No Moon Dragon has ever had a keeper. None of them. No one knows what their powers are. They're mostly pearl-white, silver, silvery white, and moon-white.

Living Shadow Dragons

Shapeshifters, able to turn into shadows, like the Shadow Elves and Shadow Dragons. They can also take shape of any other dragon. They do not exist in the substantial realm. It's literally impossible for them to choose any one but a Living Shadow. Living Shadow Dragons are amazingly powerful.
